Saturday, June 25, 2005

California Historical Landmark #699

Pony Express Mormon Tavern
California State Historical Landmark #699
See this location on Yahoo Maps in Flickr
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This landmark is located on Joerger Cutoff Road in El Dorado Hills, California in El Dorado County. There are 29 other California State Historical Landmarks in El Dorado County. The GPS coordinates for this location are N 38° 39.370 W 121° 03.575.

A list of Pony Express Waymarks that I have visited can be found here. You can log your visit to this landmark at

At this site on the old Clarksville White Rock Emigrant Road was Mormon Tavern. Completed in 1849 and enlarged and operated by Franklin Winchell in 1851. A popular stop for teams and stages, it became a remount station on the Central Overland Pony Express. Here on April 4, 1860, pony rider William (Sam) Hamilton changed horses on the first trip eastward of the pony express.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting landmark and important part of our history.
